in our store, we do sell
- acrylic paint ( brand Jo Sonja, Americana, Plaid)
- Varnish (decoupage varnish, satin varnish, gloss varnish, matte varnish)
- Gesso
- Sealer
- background color (antique background, etc)
- Other medium ( retarder, clear glaze medium, magic mix)
- brush cleaner
1. brush tub - come in 2 sizes. It comes with palette paper
Round shape - RM 39.90 |
Square shape - RM 49.90 |
2. Brushes (Loew Cornell) & Stylus
currently out of stock
- angular size 1/8 : RM
- angular size 1/4 : RM
- angular size 3/8 : RM
- angular size 1/2 : RM
- flat size : RM
- filbert size : RM
- round size : RM
- liner size : RM
Loew Cornel angular brush (white) filbert brush (yellow)
3. Acrylic Paint
* For Jo Sonja color chart, click here
Series 1 (170ml) = RM 17.90
Series II (170ml) = RM 25.90
Series III (170ml) = RM 29.90
* For Americana color chart, click here
Acrylic paint (59ml) = RM 12.90/bottle
Americana Cracker/Gold (59ml)= RM 16.90/bottle
* For Folkart/Plaid color chart, click here or here
Acrylic paint (59ml) = RM /bottle
4. Background Color
* For Jo Sonja background color chart, click here
Background color 250ml = RM 32.90/bottle
Vintage Collection = RM 134.90/set (each set 12 bottles)